To download data files, we will create and download a file manifest, which is a light JSON file that is called by the Gen3-client to download all enlisted entities to the workspace:
In the Explorer under the "Files" tab we find the "Data Format" category; from here we can select the box next to "TXT" that builds a cohort and shows all files in the Data Commons that end on "TXT". In this case: 'GSE63878_final_list_of_normalized_data.txt.gz' and 'pheno_63878_2.txt'.
- wget
- unzip
- gen3-client configure --apiendpoint= --profile=demo --cred=~/pd/credentials.json
- cd pd
- gen3-client download-multiple --profile=demo --manifest=file-manifest.json --skip-completed
Note. If you want to download only a single data file the Gen3-client command changes as shown here. You can also find the data file on the Exploration Page and click on the file's GUID to "Download".
# Uncomment the lines to install libraries if needed.
# !pip install numpy
# !pip install matplotlib
# !pip install pandas
# !pip install seaborn
# Import libraries:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import os
import seaborn as sns
import re
from pandas import DataFrame
import warnings
import gzip
import scipy
import sys
import sklearn
import random
import math
!gzip -dk 'GSE63878_final_list_of_normalized_data.txt.gz' # command -k saves the original zipped file
This dataframe shows the characteristics, sample descriptions, etc. associated with measured gene expression.
pheno_df = pd.read_csv('/home/jovyan/pd/pheno_63878_2.txt', sep='\t')
pheno_df.head() # show top 5 rows of dataframe
This dataframe shows genome expressions. Numbers after "Sample_" indicate pre-deployment ("1") and post-deployment ("3").
rna_df = pd.read_csv('/home/jovyan/pd/GSE63878_final_list_of_normalized_data.txt', sep='\t')
rna_df = rna_df.dropna(1) # remove columns that contain "NaN"
del rna_df['Probe ID'] # delete first column for further analysis.
all_genes = set(rna_df["Gene Symbol"].to_list()) # save this column as list for further analysis.
# list(pheno_df.columns)
trim_pheno_df = pheno_df[['Comment [Sample_description]', 'Characteristics [condition]', 'FactorValue [time-point]']] # select columns to be worked with
# Add the categories to the dataset
blank = [name for name in rna_df.columns] # list all headers in rna_df
# Category "condition"
condition = (trim_pheno_df['Characteristics [condition]']).tolist() # move all rows of this column into a list
condition = condition[::-1] # switch as column Characteristics [condition] begins with sample48_3 instead of Sample1_1
condition.insert(0, 'condition') # add header
ptsd = {col:val for col, val in zip(blank, condition)} # match headers from rna_df to 'condition'
# Category "deployment"
deployment = (trim_pheno_df['FactorValue [time-point]']).tolist()
deployment = deployment[::-1]
deployment.insert(0, 'deployment')
deploy = {col:val for col, val in zip(blank, deployment)}
Attention: **The next two code snippets should be run only once.**
# Adding category lists to the rna_df dataframe
# This will combine both datasets
rna_df = rna_df.append(ptsd, ignore_index=True) # run only once
rna_df = rna_df.append(deploy, ignore_index=True) # run only once
rna_df.tail() # shows the last 5 rows of the dataframe
# Transpose and relabel for easy wrangling
trans = rna_df.transpose()
trans.columns = trans.iloc[0] # [0] is the gene symbol row
trans = trans.drop(trans.index[0]) # only run once, or you'll start losing genes
# Import libraries
import scipy
import sys
import sklearn
import random
import math
# Define function
def process_data(expression_df, condition, control, experimental):
#expresion_df = input is the dataframe that we have defined above, gene expressions before and after deployment
#condition = choose condition; for example separate your dataframe between between condition and deployment; input as string
#control = control variable; input as string
#experimental = experimental variable, input as string
#returns dataframe of gene names, mean values, log2fold change, p-value, -log10(pval), and all replicates for each gene
experimental_df = expression_df[expression_df[condition].str.contains(experimental)]
experimental_df = expression_df.drop(columns=['condition', 'deployment'])
control_df = expression_df[expression_df[condition].str.contains(control)]
control_df = control_df.drop(columns=['condition', 'deployment'])
deg_genes = {} # dictionary of final data
gene_names = list(experimental_df.columns)
for gene in gene_names:
ex_mean = experimental_df[gene].mean() # experimental mean
ctrl_mean = control_df[gene].mean() # control mean
ex_reps = experimental_df[gene] # all replicates of PTSD samples
control_reps = control_df[gene] # all replicates of control samples
pval = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(control_reps, ex_reps) # calculate pval
pvalue = pval.pvalue # gets specific p-value, removes meta data
gene_data = {
'GeneNames': gene,
'ctrl_mean': ctrl_mean,
'ex_mean': ex_mean,
'log2(foldchange)': math.log2(ex_mean) - math.log2(ctrl_mean),
'p-value': pvalue, #gets only the p-val
'-log10(p-value)': math.log10(pvalue) * (-1),
'ctrl_reps': control_reps.values.tolist(),
'experimental_reps': ex_reps.values.tolist()
deg_genes[gene] = gene_data
deg_data_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(deg_genes, orient='index')
# Returns dataframe of gene names, means, log2fold change, p-value, -log10(pval), and all replicates for each gene
deg_data_frame = process_data(trans, 'condition', 'control', 'PTSD')
# Define function
def top_expressed_gene(deg_data_frame, control, experimental, top_number):
# requires deg_data_frame from process data, string of control and experimental mean names, and top number of genes
# returns plot of top expressed genes in the experimental group, plotted against the expression of the control group
control_mean = deg_data_frame[control]
experimental_mean = deg_data_frame[experimental]
sorted_mean = experimental_mean.sort_values(ascending= False) # sorting by greatest expression
top_genes = sorted_mean[:top_number].keys().tolist() # getting the top expressed genes
control_vals = deg_data_frame['ctrl_reps'][top_genes]
experimental_vals = deg_data_frame['experimental_reps'][top_genes]
expression_data = pd.DataFrame([control_vals, experimental_vals])
print('The top ' +str(top_number)+ ' expressed genes are:' )
for gene in top_genes:
plot_data = expression_data[gene].apply(pd.Series)
new_plot_data.columns =['Control', 'Experiment']
sns.violinplot(data=new_plot_data, palette="Set1").set(title=str(gene))
ax = sns.swarmplot(data=new_plot_data, color="0", alpha=.35)
# Returns plot of top expressed genes in the experimental group, plotted against the expression of the control group
top = top_expressed_gene(deg_data_frame, 'ctrl_mean', 'ex_mean', 2)
# Define function
def your_fav_gene(deg_data_frame, control, experimental, fav_gene):
# requires deg_data_frame from process data, string of control and experimental names, and name of gene you'd like to plot
# returns plot of expression in control and experimental group
control_mean = deg_data_frame[control][fav_gene]
experimental_mean = deg_data_frame[experimental][fav_gene]
control_vals = deg_data_frame['ctrl_reps'][fav_gene]
experimental_vals = deg_data_frame['experimental_reps'][fav_gene]
expression_data = pd.DataFrame([control_vals, experimental_vals])
#print('Favorite expressed gene: ' +str(fav_gene))
plot_data = expression_data.transpose()
plot_data.rename(columns = {0:'Control',1:'Experiment'}, inplace=True)
ax = sns.violinplot(data=plot_data, palette="husl").set(title='Your favorite gene is '+str(fav_gene))
ax = sns.swarmplot(data=plot_data, color="1", alpha=.4)
# Returns plot of expression in control and experimental group of the gene of our choice
ELMO2 = your_fav_gene(deg_data_frame, 'ctrl_mean', 'ex_mean', 'ELMO2') # change to any gene in 'ELMO2'
# Returns plot of expression in control and experimental group of the gene of our choice
ZNHIT1 = your_fav_gene(deg_data_frame, 'ctrl_mean', 'ex_mean', 'ZNHIT1') # change to any gene in 'ZNHIT1'
# Define functions
def volcano_plot(deg_data_frame):
# input deg_data_frame from process_data
# returns volcano plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
volcano_plot = deg_data_frame.plot(x='log2(foldchange)', y='-log10(p-value)', c='p-value', kind='scatter', colormap='viridis', title = 'volcano plot', ax=ax)
def MA_plot(deg_data_frame):
# input deg_data_frame from process_data
# returns MA plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
MA_plot = deg_data_frame.plot(x='ctrl_mean', y='log2(foldchange)', c='p-value', kind='scatter', colormap='viridis', title='MA plot', ax=ax)
def save_deg_data(deg_data_frame, file_name, path):
# requires dataframe in the format generated from 'process_data'
# saves the file with the given name in the given location
final_path = os.path.join(path, f"{file_name}.csv")
# Volcano plot identifies changes in large data sets composed of replicate data.
# MA plot visualizes the differences between measurements taken in two samples, by transforming the data onto M (log ratio) and A (mean average) scales, then plotting these values.
End of demo notebook on gene expresssion.
# Import Gen3 SDK tools to the workspace
!pip install gen3
import gen3
from gen3.auth import Gen3Auth
from gen3.submission import Gen3Submission
# Useful commands to print and change current working directory
#os.getcwd() # print directory
#os.chdir('/home/jovyan') # change directory
# Authentication by calling the earlier downloaded credentials
endpoint = ""
creds = "/home/jovyan/pd/gen_creds.json"
auth = Gen3Auth(endpoint, creds)
sub = Gen3Submission(endpoint, auth)
home_directory = '/home/jovyan/pd/dir_x' # the "dir_x" was created for demo purposes. Replace with a path if needed.
# Download the data associated to graph node using function "export_node"
lab_test = sub.export_node("OpenAccess", "CCLE", "lab_test", "tsv", home_directory +"/OA_CCLE_lab_test.tsv")
lab_test_df = pd.read_csv('/home/jovyan/pd/dir_x/OA_CCLE_lab_test.tsv', sep ="\t")
lab_test_df.dropna(1) # remove columns that have "NaN"
# Creating a separate column for cell lines
lab_test_df['cell_line'] = lab_test_df['samples.submitter_id'].str.split('_', 1).str.get(0)
# import libraries
from collections import Counter
from statistics import mean
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler #for PCA
# Define function
def plot_categorical_property(property,df):
df = df[df[property].notnull()]
N = len(df)
categories, counts = zip(*Counter(df[property]).items())
y_pos = np.arange(len(categories)), counts, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, categories)
plt.title(str('Counts by '+property+' (N = '+str(N)+')'))
plt.xticks(rotation=90, horizontalalignment='center')
#add N for each bar
# Plot a bar graph of categorical variable counts in a dataframe
plot_categorical_property("sample_composition", lab_test_df)
# Define function
def plot_categorical_property_by_order(property,df):
df = df[df[property].notnull()]
N = len(df)
categories, counts = zip(*df[property].value_counts().items()) # valuecounts orders it from largest to smallest
y_pos = np.arange(len(categories)), counts, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, categories)
plt.title(str('Counts by '+property+' (N = '+str(N)+')'))
plt.xticks(rotation=90, horizontalalignment='center')
#add N for each bar
# Plot a bar graph of categorical variable counts in a dataframe
plot_categorical_property_by_order("sample_composition", lab_test_df)
# Define function
def plot_numeric_property(property,df,by_project=False):
df[property] = pd.to_numeric(df[property],errors='coerce') # This line changes object into float
df = df[df[property].notnull()]
data = list(df[property])
N = len(data)
fig = sns.distplot(data, hist=False, kde=True,
bins=int(180/5), color = 'darkblue',
kde_kws={'linewidth': 2})
plt.title("PDF for all projects "+property+' (N = '+str(N)+')') # You can comment this line out if you don't need title
# Plots the probability of EC50
plot_numeric_property('EC50', lab_test_df)
# Plots the probability of the activity area
plot_numeric_property('activity_area', lab_test_df)
def scatter_numeric_by_numeric(df, numeric_property_a, numeric_property_b):
df[numeric_property_a] = pd.to_numeric(df[numeric_property_a],errors='coerce') #BB: this line changes object into float
df = df[df[numeric_property_a].notnull()]
df[numeric_property_b] = pd.to_numeric(df[numeric_property_b],errors='coerce') #BB: this line changes object into float
df = df[df[numeric_property_b].notnull()]
data = list(df[numeric_property_a])
N = len(data)
plt.scatter(df[numeric_property_a], df[numeric_property_b])
plt.title(numeric_property_a + " vs " + numeric_property_b)
# Plots a scatter plot of two numeric variables, here EC50 vs IC50
scatter_numeric_by_numeric(lab_test_df, 'EC50', 'IC50')
# Plots a scatter plot of two numeric variables, here activity area vs maximum activity
scatter_numeric_by_numeric(lab_test_df, 'activity_area', 'max_activity')
# Define function
def property_counts_by_project(prop, df):
df = df[df[prop].notnull()]
categories = list(set(df[prop]))
projects = list(set(df['project_id']))
project_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Project','Total']+categories)
proj_counts = {}
for project in projects:
cat_counts = {}
cat_counts['Project'] = project
df1 = df.loc[df['project_id']==project]
total = 0
for category in categories:
cat_count = len(df1.loc[df1[prop]==category])
cat_counts[category] = cat_count
cat_counts['Total'] = total
index = len(project_table)
for key in list(cat_counts.keys()):
project_table.loc[index,key] = cat_counts[key]
project_table = project_table.sort_values(by='Total', ascending=False, na_position='first')
return project_table
property_counts_by_project("sample_composition", lab_test_df)
# Define function
def property_counts_table(prop, df):
df = df[df[prop].notnull()]
counts = Counter(df[prop])
df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counts, orient='index').reset_index()
df1 = df1.rename(columns={'index':prop, 0:'count'}).sort_values(by='count', ascending=False)
#with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None):
property_counts_table("sample_composition", lab_test_df)
# First, sort the amount of counts for a tissue, rename columns and show
sc_counts = lab_test_df.sample_composition.value_counts()
sc_counts = sc_counts.reset_index()
sc_counts = sc_counts.rename(columns={'index': 'sample_composition', 'sample_composition':'counts'})
# Second, return a pie chart of the counts for each category
data = sc_counts["counts"]
categories = sc_counts["sample_composition"]
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.pie(data, labels=categories, autopct='%1.1f%%',
shadow=True, startangle=90)
ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
# Make a pie chart that shows only the categories with counts > 4000
top10 = sc_counts[sc_counts.counts > 4000].nlargest(10, 'counts')
data = top10['counts']
categories = top10["sample_composition"]
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# Changing the color of the pie
theme = plt.get_cmap('hsv')
ax1.set_prop_cycle("color", [theme(1. * i / len(top10))
for i in range(len(top10))])
ax1.pie(data, labels=categories, autopct='%1.1f%%',
shadow=True, startangle=90)
ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
# Save the pie chart above
End of demo notebook. Please terminate your workspace session when finished.
See also other notebooks available here.