The Gen3 technical documentation is moving to a new home at! This will replace much of the technical content from Please check out the new site and provide feedback during the transition period while both are available. After the transition period, will remain as a site for high-level content about Gen3 along with community and events information, but all Gen3 technical guides and resources will move to

Gen3 Community Forum Agenda October 10-12, 2022

Gen3 Community Forum Agenda

October 10-12, 2022 (US)/October 11-13 (AU/NZ)

Day 1

Time Topic
4:00-4:05pm CDT

Welcome to the Inaugural Community Forum

4:05-5:00pm CDT

Video Tour of Gen3 Data Commons and Meshes

Pediatric Cancer Data Commons
Sam Volchenboum, Principal Investigator & Pediatric Oncologist, University of Chicago
Kyle Ellrott Lab, Oregon Health & Science University
Brian Walsh, Senior Research Sotware Engineer, Oregon Health & Science University
HEAL Data Commons
Aarti Venkat, Faculty in Department of Medicine and Scientific Lead for CTDS at the University of Chicago
Australian Cardiovascular Disease Data Commons
Marion Shadbolt, Human Genomics Data Specialist Australian BioData Commons
IBD Genetics Consortium Data Commons
Phil Schumm
Statistician Manager, Director, Research Computing Group
Assistant Director, Biostat Lab

Biomedical Research Hub
Chris Meyer, Manager of User Solutions and Scientific Support, CTDS/Gen3, University of Chicago
5:00-5:10pm CDT


5:10-6:05pm CDT

Video Tour of Gen3 Workspaces and Applications

Two projects from Aotearoa - AGDR & Rakeiora Pathfinder
Aotearoa Genomic Data Repository
Jun Huh, Product Manager, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)

MIDRC DICOM Viewer Integration
MIDRC Data Commons
Chris Meyer, Manager of User Solutions and Scientific Support, CTDS/Gen3, University of Chicago
OCC Automatic Governance Process for Gen3 Data Commons
Open Commons Consortium
Urvi Sheth, Software Engineer, OCC
Veterans Administration Data Commons with OMOP & GWAS
VA Data Commons
Kyle Hernandez, Manager of Bioinformatics, Center for Translational Data Science
Jupyter Notebook over JCOIN
JCOIN Data Commons
Phil Schumm
Statistician Manager, Director, Research Computing Group, & Assistant Director, Biostat Lab, Department of Public Health Sciences University of Chicago

Developing a Clinical Translation Platform
12 Labours Project
Thiranja Prasad Babarenda Gamage, Research Fellow, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
6:05-6:15pm CDT


6:15-6:35pm CDT

Gen3 Roadmap

Robert Grossman,
Frederick H. Rawson Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Computer Science
and the Jim and Karen Frank Director of the Center for Translational Data Science (CTDS) at the University of Chicago
6:35-6:55pm CDT

Gen3 Roadmap Discussion

6:55-7:05pm CDT

Day 1 Recap

Day 2

Time Topic
4:00-5:00pm CDT

Gen3 Community Panel Discussion

Steven Manos, Moderator
Associate Director Cyberinfrastructure - Australian BioCommons & co-organiser of the Gen3 Community Forum

Claire Rye - Data services Product Manager, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
Lauren Leiman - Executive Director of BloodPAC
Casey Frankenberger - Former Chief Research Informatics Officer, Rush University Medical Center
Chris Meyer - Manager of User Solutions and Scientific Support, CTDS/Gen3
Robert Grossman - Director, CTDS/Gen3
5:00-5:10pm CDT


5:10-6:30pm CDT

Gen3 Community Presentations

Linking Data Commons
Biomedical Research Hub
Aarti Venkat, Faculty in Department of Medicine and Scientific Lead for CTDS, University of Chicago
How a consortium can leverage use of a data commons
BloodPAC Data Commons
Lauren Leiman
Exec Director of BloodPAC

Gen3 within an academic medial center
Rush University Medical Center
Casey Frankeberger, Vice President of Business Development, C2i Genomics,
Former Chief Research Informatics Officer, Rush University Medical Center

6:45-7:00pm CDT Day 2 Recap

Day 3

Time Topic

4:00-4:15pm CDT

Introduction to Gen3 Breakout Sessions

4:15-5:15pm CDT

Breakout Sessions

  1. Status of Gen3 support for GA4GH standards; importance of data GUIDS; and, discussion of prioritizing support for other standards, e.g. RDA
  2. Standing up a Gen3 instance (getting started, documentation, how-tos, help, etc.)
  3. Improving processes around community prioritization bug and issue tracking
  4. How the community can best request and priortize new Gen3 features
  5. Gen3 Community joint roadmap planning (6-18 month roadmap)
5:15-5:25pm CDT


5:25-6:10pm CDT

Reports from Breakout Sessions

6:15-6:55pm CDT

Overview of Future Community Development & Discussion

6:55-7:00pm CDT

Day3 Recap and End of Forum
