The Gen3 technical documentation is moving to a new home at! This will replace much of the technical content from Please check out the new site and provide feedback during the transition period while both are available. After the transition period, will remain as a site for high-level content about Gen3 along with community and events information, but all Gen3 technical guides and resources will move to

Gen3 - Get Started

Get Started

Learn How to Use Gen3

If you're new to Gen3, check out our thorough User Guide with tutorials on how to submit data, access it, and analyze it, including some tips and tricks for formatting submissions, understanding the data model, sending queries, and using the API to programmatically interact with data resources using Gen3.

User Guide

Submit Metadata & Data Objects

Have data to contribute to a Gen3 system? Check out our documentation on how to submit metadata or data objects for ingestion.

Data Contribution

Access Metadata & Data

Gen3 includes a portal service for providing a web-based graphical user interface for interacting with a Gen3 data commons within a standard web-browser. The portal is an interactive website that allows users to explore, submit, download, and analyze data. The data portal utilizes the public APIs offered by the data commons as a demonstration of the power of Gen3.

Data Access

Build Apps on Gen3

All of the Gen3 services support powerful, open APIs which allow them to interact with each other and external users. These APIs enable extensible application development for future services, tools, and users, making what you can do with your data and how you display it to users virtually boundless.
