The Gen3 technical documentation is moving to a new home at! This will replace much of the technical content from Please check out the new site and provide feedback during the transition period while both are available. After the transition period, will remain as a site for high-level content about Gen3 along with community and events information, but all Gen3 technical guides and resources will move to


Gen3 Mission

Gen3 aims to accelerate and democratize the process of scientific discovery by making it easy to manage, analyze, harmonize, and share large and complex datasets.

Gen3 Community Steering Committee

As the Gen3 community continues to grow worldwide, we seek to maintain an open and vibrant space for intellectual exchange around data sharing and analysis. The Gen3 Community Steering Committee serves to uphold the Gen3 mission by ensuring Gen3 development activities and events are aligned with the needs of our growing community. As the work of Gen3 expands, the steering committee may create working groups to focus on particular themes or products.

Kyle Ellrott, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computational Biology

Oregon Health and Science University

Michael Fitzsimons, Ph.D.

Director of Research Programs and Scientific Outreach

University of Chicago

Robert Grossman, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine and Computer Science

University of Chicago

Steven Manos, Ph.D.

Associate Director of Cyberinfrastructure

Australian BioCommons

Plamen Martinov

Chief Technology and Security Officer

Open Commons Consortium

Claire Rye, Ph.D.

Project Manager for Data

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure